Wednesday, October 26, 2011

Portal: How GLaDOS is Still Alive and Why the Cake is a Lie

Hello again everyone! Glad to see all of your beautiful font types on the internet once again! I'm here to introduce a game called Portal. There are tons of spoilers in this post so don't read this if you haven't beaten the game or if you want to see the ending of the game yourself. The main character, Chell, wakes up in a futuristic looking cell, and she's there to solve challenging puzzles with a "handheld portal device" called a portal gun, which let's her create two portals, using both to transport her to different places in the game. Bribing Chell with cake, she solves all of the tests and the tester, GLaDOS (Genetic Lifeform and Disk Operating System) tries to murder her by making her ride a conveyor belt into an incinerator, but she uses the portal gun to escape. Chell then journeys through the maintenance areas of the facility, ending up in the chamber which GLaDOS resides with the many personality cores hang above her. This is where the funniest dialogue in the game starts. GLaDOS tries to beg Chell to go back, but gets interrupted by one of her personality cores falling off. Chell then tosses the core in an incinerator close by. This core was installed to keep GLaDOS from flooding the enrichment center with deadly neurotoxin, and by destroying it GLaDOS has no restraint and she starts to do so. With a six-minute countdown, Chell throws the rest of the personality cores that fell off into the incinerator while GLaDOS continuously insults her. After she tosses in the last core, the facility malfunctions and the remains of GLaDOS and the facility were transported outside, along with Chell. In the final scene, from what I remember, Chell was being dragged by an unknown figure with a robotic voice. Then in the final scene, there's a cake and a weighted companion cube in the middle of a room with shelves containing personality cores, then a robotic arm extends and extinguishes the candle on the cake.

Cake offered if you solved all puzzles (You don't get it though)

~ SkyeBlue


  1. At the end of the test Cake will be served.

  2. You need to quit using these font colors that are impossibly hard on the eyes. I cannot read this article. Please note: the red is even worse than the blue--and I didn't think that was possible.

  3. Good game, and great summary. The links are blocked on AISD.

  4. Funny ive seen the cake is a lie before in a stick game . Though you never see the cake...?

    by Nathaniel
