Wednesday, October 12, 2011

How to Draw a Manga Eye Step by Step: The Purple Ninja Way

How to draw a simple manga eye
This week I will be showing you how to make a simple anime eye. The design is easy to draw, but not cheap and old school like what you see in regular "How to draw Anime" books. So without further adieu, let us begin!
Step one: Guides

First, draw a cross-like sketch. Draw lightly; this will be erased at the end
Step two: Upper arch
Outline the upper arch of the eye. DO NOT FILL IN YET!
 Step Three: The eye itself
In the middle of the arch you just drew, draw two slightly curved lines. Make to where they slightly turn upwards at the end of the line.
Step four: Bottom arch
 At the end of the eye, sketch an outline of the bottom arch. It can be thin or thick, depending on which you want. (In my case, I draw it somewhat thick). Do not fill in yet
Step 5: eyebrow and eyelid
 About a half to an inch about the upper arch, draw a curved line. Draw a small thin line slightly above the upper arch
Step 6: The pupil
 In the middle of the eye, color in a long oval, this is the pupil.
Step 7: Glares
 In the upper left corner of the eye, outline a fairly sized oval. This will be our glare for the eye
Step 8: Darkness
Draw a line that goes through the pupil halfway. Fill in.
Step 9: Outline
 Along the sides of the eye, draw a thick line on it.
Step 10: Extra glares
 Erase small circles in the middle of the pupil and in the lower right corner of the eye

Step 11: fill in
Fill in the upper and lower arches.
 You now have completed your Eye! To draw a full face, repeat all steps on the opposite side of the face, then draw in a nose and mouth. Thanks for reading! Tune in for next week's blog! Sayonara!


  1. This was very interesting ^-^, but like last week, i was unable to find the other two ones.

  2. This is cute! What did you use to draw it?

  3. I used paint tool sai, (drawing software) and a tablet. Shhhh... don't tell anyone

  4. Loved it! -draws this- ok, mine didn't turn out so well, but I'll keep practicing!
