Sunday, October 30, 2011


pics by yoshio sawei
So I promised myself not to do anime/manga stuff but anyways... Here it is! Bobobobobobobo is a really spastic manga about a guy with a fro who shoots out nose-hairs to battle his opponents. He stared in cartoon network for a while and had the whole series until it just stopped. Currently they are still being made into english, maybe, and only have 5 volumes that start at the middle of the series. The main characters are:

  • Bobobobobobobo- A guy with fist of the nose hair, blond afro, tense to pretend to be a girl a lot.
  • Beauty- a girl with pink hair who is the only sane person.
  • Gasser- fist of the backwind, white hair, you get his power. When his collar comes off he turns into a baby-like-thing which has amazing gas powers.
  • Don Patch'Poppa Rocks- Little orange guy with a sun pattern. He is the most stupid and random character who pretends to be a girl too. He has no power.
  • Jelly Jiggler- my personal favorite character, he is the blue guy who is all blocky and made of jelly. Often he tries to seduce people by making them eat him until he relizes he is being eaten. He is the weakest character with his fist of the wobble wobble/shakey shake. He is the man with the NU
  • Dengaku man- He is that cute character who is all white and looks like an alien. He has a fist power but rarely uses it.
That is the main characters of bobobobobobobo. If you want to read it but don't want to buy it tell me, or email me at I only have pre 1, 1, 2, 3, and 5. That's it I suppose. This is a comic of 5 out of 5.5 because of the fact that it will hurt your brain. Read the warning below. Watch it on Veoh Tv because they are getting blocked on youtube. WORD OF WARNING: This Manga Is Really Random And Will Hurt Your Brain Because You Won't Understand Anything!

Saturday, October 29, 2011

Pixel Pop on Nitrome

 pics by nitrome
Hey it is gregar to start off here is an awesome pic. Any ways. Pixel pop is an awesome game on nitrome. It is like a really old pixel game that was fun with no purpose called pixel pop!. First you start as a japanese power ranger and have to chop fruit in time with the music (the real fruit ninja!) and there are bombs (this was made b4 fruit ninja guys no hating) you click to slice (seriously guys this was b4 fruit ninja, halfbrick, maker of fruit ninja, copied this idea). Then once you beat this level you go to.... GOJIRA TIME with kicking and punching tanks and airplanes to the music. Now you are some bearded guy who jumps over cactus. TEEHEE, how funny his beard goes to his waist and below and is his clothes! HAHAHA! Now the hard one. you are a cat and have to step on mice but they come in three directions. REALLY HARD! And Aced! And then a combination with randomly switching to another game action! GOJIRA is really hard. I am going to kill myself. OMG I DID IT! Now it is strike the vamps! by the way I found a recording and it is here> ?????? And now... What? dipping biscuits in tea?!?!?!?! What The Heck!?!?!?! and now for... Alien Cow Abduction?!?!?!?! And cows turn into missles if you miss?!?! what is this!? And I died once again HERE GOES. no I dieded! NOOOOOOOO!!!!O!O!O!O! and forget this cant beat it so i quit. This is an overall great game 5 stars out of 5.5 because even though it was freakishly awesome and had great game music... IT WAS TO HARD AND I COULDT BEAT IT SO.....ARGHHGHGHGH! ANYWAYS BYE.


pics by semisecretsoftware
Hey it is guess who?? GREGAR jk it's actually falzar.... jk again it is really GREGAR! Today I TALK TO YOU ABOUT STEAMBIRDS AN AWESOM TURN-BASED GAME WITH AIRPLANES AND BRITAIN. The purpose of the game is to fight the enemy planes (green guys in survival, blue in level based) with yourself/allies (blue in survival, red in levels). You have two versions. The survival and the levels. The levels is with the same concept of fighting opponents except you get a predestined amount of enemies and who you are and how many teammates you get, and what type of special. Specials are cool weapons only for certain planes. You can get poison gas, bombs, health and other sweet items. When you finish the levels and get stars for speed and losses. Then you can only replay all the levels.
In survival you can buy different planes (through copper earned from killing) and you can get a random amount of enemies appearing on each turn (~0-5). When you kill someone they drop a special and you can pick it up and use it. In this way you don't really have to worry as you can pulverize people with newly won items. When you finish you get copper and your rank compared to others who have used that same airplane. This is an over-all-well-done-game. The maker -SemiSecretSoftware- is actually based in Austin so go give them a wave. They created canabalt and gravity hook. To play STEAMBIRDS go HERE! If YOU ARE AT SChOOL GO HERE> ???????? also download there<

Friday, October 28, 2011

Realm of the Mad God

picture by realm of mad god guide app
picture by realm of mad god

Realm of the mad god is an epic rpg in a really bit based graphic. It has many different characters such as archers ninjas and necromancers. You basically fight an evil god named Oryx by defeating his minions and making him call you to his lair. You can level up and get many items. Cool to play and easy to learn it is a good game for 5-60 minutes. Really addicting. You start as a wizard in oryxs castle and you have to slay the evil chicken god. Then you are in oryxs kitchen and have to kill the cook and that is when you get to nexus to start your adventures in different places. You fight mini boses like scorpians and mages and pirates then progress to evil kings ( hard as ****) ans masses of fire ice sprites slimes and other infinitly hard stuff. And when you kill enough you go to oryx's castle and the feeling is glorious.... but easy to die. try it for yourself it is really fun.
Go here> ??????
P.S. This game is blocked by AustinISD so it is currently unplayable. I f you want this try downloading it go here. It doesnt work but you can download it. JK made you look. Try here!!!!!!!! it really works this time!

JK wasnt that funny?????? actually for reals this time go here> ??????

Wednesday, October 26, 2011

Portal: How GLaDOS is Still Alive and Why the Cake is a Lie

Hello again everyone! Glad to see all of your beautiful font types on the internet once again! I'm here to introduce a game called Portal. There are tons of spoilers in this post so don't read this if you haven't beaten the game or if you want to see the ending of the game yourself. The main character, Chell, wakes up in a futuristic looking cell, and she's there to solve challenging puzzles with a "handheld portal device" called a portal gun, which let's her create two portals, using both to transport her to different places in the game. Bribing Chell with cake, she solves all of the tests and the tester, GLaDOS (Genetic Lifeform and Disk Operating System) tries to murder her by making her ride a conveyor belt into an incinerator, but she uses the portal gun to escape. Chell then journeys through the maintenance areas of the facility, ending up in the chamber which GLaDOS resides with the many personality cores hang above her. This is where the funniest dialogue in the game starts. GLaDOS tries to beg Chell to go back, but gets interrupted by one of her personality cores falling off. Chell then tosses the core in an incinerator close by. This core was installed to keep GLaDOS from flooding the enrichment center with deadly neurotoxin, and by destroying it GLaDOS has no restraint and she starts to do so. With a six-minute countdown, Chell throws the rest of the personality cores that fell off into the incinerator while GLaDOS continuously insults her. After she tosses in the last core, the facility malfunctions and the remains of GLaDOS and the facility were transported outside, along with Chell. In the final scene, from what I remember, Chell was being dragged by an unknown figure with a robotic voice. Then in the final scene, there's a cake and a weighted companion cube in the middle of a room with shelves containing personality cores, then a robotic arm extends and extinguishes the candle on the cake.

Cake offered if you solved all puzzles (You don't get it though)

~ SkyeBlue

Minecraft Survivor Mode and Creative Mode

So starting minecraft you will go to a screen looking like this and give you an option of playing Survival Mode or Creative Mode. For beginners I suggest playing Creative mode so you can learn all the basics (except crafting new things) also if you just have a creative mind I suggest creative mode because you will just be able to make your house any way you like and never have to run out of resources or worry about dying by things like Zombies, Creepers, which blow up when there a block away from you, Skeleton Bowmen, which shoot bows at you from long or short distances, or Spiders which just tend to attack you either alone or in a pack and don't worry they do spawn in creative mode but you have unlimited health and if you have no idea when these monsters come out just think "ITS DARK" because whether you're out when it turns night or you have no alternative light source in your house these monsters will spawn. Like me I started off with a underground tunnel house and i was lucky enough to be able to make torches on my crafting table(will show tutorials on next blog) Also on survivor mode you can drown if you stay underwater to long you can also die of drowning. And you can die of starvation so make sure to kills some cows, chickens, sheep, and pigs, they don't only drop off food sometimes they drop stuff that can help you make new weapons and armor which help you survive.

Well Comment if you have anything specific you want to learn about this amazing game called Minecraft -Harstyleforlife21

Da PurpleNinja: You Probably Won't Make It Review

Konnichiwa minna-san (which means hello everyone in Japanese).  This week, instead of my usual anime blogs, which I know you love sooo much, I'm gonna do a review of a COMPUTER GAME!! Daa daaaa daaaaaaaaaaaaaaaa!!! I know, I know, how nerdy of me. I feel like Gregar and SkyeBlue. Ok then moving on...
 Level 6 of You Probably Won't Make It.

For those who don't know, You Probably Won't Make It is one of the hardest internet downloadable games. You are a little black blob-erface (yes, I add on random crap to words...) that has to get to the little door at a point in each level. However, there are spikes. Lots of them. Which means lots and lots of blood. So don't play if you're not into violence and gore, or if you absolutely cannot stand the site of drawn in blood on computer games... just saying. There are also  high platforms, that are difficult. Very difficult.  Trust me, I'm stuck on level six, and haven't got close to passing it. (Most of the time I just end up quitting after dieing at least 100 times in a row.) It's a frustrating, angering, destructive, will-hurt-your-head-and-destroy-your-life game. Translation: It's very fun and a great distraction from your homework. (If any students are reading this, you can just blow off your homework and play it. If any teachers are reading this, I do not advise ignoring your homework to play computer games. Please don't fail me Mrs. Young. I was only joking ok?) 

Anyways... back to the game....

The download link is here, it's easy to install (just unzip the folder), and has no viruses. Controls are the arrow keys and the space bar (I think... I don't remember...).  Have fun!


P.S: Don't murder your computer (or me) if you get mad....

P.P.S: If you're failing too much at the game, just watch this guy play (WARNING: some strong language and random freak-outs...)

P.P.P.S: You probably won't make it. Get it? It's the name of the game, and I just.... oh whatever. You're probably not paying attention anyway.

Monday, October 24, 2011

Google Chrome

So you all heard about google, Right? Well google released a bunch of apps like google earth or google voice. A list of them is here or on google go to more than even more. So now you've seen all of googles neat stuff. There is google chrome. Google chrome is the sweet browser made by google for free with better speed and protection. As google is still kind of new to this there may be a few little hiccups but nothing major. Google chrome has apps that can be downloaded like games and social stuff. Now here is something new that you may not now. While looking up google chrome I found this. This is google experiments. It contains many of google chrome will be apps or added to actual google itself. Some are pretty sweet like Plink a multiplayer music maker or old gaming like Alex the Alligator (like mario).
<this is him< he is an alligator but that isn't what we are talking about. Check out google experiments and you wont be disappointed.
Wait... why did I write this article?...... Oh yah I just found it and typed a report... Guys Plz Comment and subscribe. And you see that +1 button? Click IT! LIKE AND COMMENT! FACEBOOK IT! TWEET! DO SOMETHING IN MY FAVOR! bye.........
PS all apps made out of Java or HTML and HTML is like website making so you know that these programs were, is , are gonna be supa hard

Thursday, October 20, 2011

Minecraft survival logbook

so This blog will update later but any ways....
Minecraft... email here to find out where it is. (Like really HERE)
So Played it recently. Kinda lags at school. But really cool. You basically start out with nothing so you break trees with your hands mold them together and make stuff like axes and stuff to go through places. More info SOON as I still need more data.... teehee....
And Continued!
So I got pretty far today. I got an axe and mushrooms and stuff. Then a creeper came and blew me up... I lost all my stuff! dang it creepers. So I died by a spider when I was trapped in a pit... which was my house... WAHHHHH! Flaming man pig started stalking me... blew up and gave me meat. Started making a house with dirt as spiders... yah.. NOOOOO. So I made a house and accendently fell onto creepers. house go boom. So I remade it and died and died and now my house is perfect! Made my house only to be killed by a random spawn of a skeleton. came back made stuff like ax and sword... And now review of minecraft. Minecraft has a 8-bit like feel with everything made out of blocks which are half the size of you. You create items by breaking them and then molding them together into items. And now back to my log book. I made a boat and made a door and a torch now for roof and stuff. and will make port for my boat. Nice Seed While Playing: Seed = 4499179164507319897. Anyways Started making stairs and walls and windows. And made a little tunnel to the water and tried riding on a boat but... I got trapped beneath a stone!.. NOOOO! Anyways I re-got everything from dying but then I had too leave and go to my house. Which has a roof and will have doors to the roof so nothing gets in. Minecraft is really addicting if you played with LEGO's when you were a small child. TeeHee. Hello Small Child. JK! Jezz did you think I was a creeper? Anyways good day to you!

Dubstep Designs

This is a skrillex cd logo he's a very popular dubstep artist i chose this one because its a cool design and i like the different strings of lights 

Wednesday, October 19, 2011

Blood+ Review

This week's Post: Blood+, the manga review!

For those who haven't read/watched Blood+, It's about a girl named Saya, who at first suffers from amnesia, learns of her past (which is kinda sad, in a way) and that she has to fight off these monsters called Chiropetans. To learn more about it, go here:

To start off, let me say that the series was short; it was only about 5 volumes. I expected it to be longer, considering how long the anime was (I'm still not finished with yet....) but oh well. It was good though. The first 2 volumes were a little confusing, like trying to remember who everyone was and all the terms that they used, but not to the point that it's frustrating. (I just gave up with remembering because I'm lazy XD). 
There were some pretty funny moments, perverted moments (hey, it's manga), and some sad moments.  I was hooked automatically because 1. I watched part of the anime, so I figured the manga would be just as good and 2. It's awesome. It has plenty of action scenes and violence, and blood. Lots of blood (duh the name). The fighting scenes are mainly slashing sword fights, but there was some with just brute strength (kinda disturbing btw). 
To sum up my random jargon-face: It's a good shonen, action, romance, comedy manga. I recommend it to all those manga fans out there. However, do not read if you do not like violence or blood. Or perverted manga. If that doesn't apply to you, then go out and get your own copy (or check it out at the library like I did, cause I'm poor) today!


The Idiot's Guide To Legend of Zelda

General Charatcers:

Link: The hero of the series. Known as "the hero of time" in some games.
Princess Zelda: The princess of Hyrule. At times kidnapped by a villain call Ganondorf.
Ganondorf: The main villain of the series. At times he is a pig. Usually sealed in a different realm for thousands of years.
Ocarina of Time Secondary Characters:

Navi: An elf
Princess Ruto:
Sheik: A ninja female like person- in SSMB she is Zelda

Monday, October 17, 2011

banned pokemon episodes

Hey it's Gregar to talk to you about banned pokemon episodes
There are a few episodes which aired in Japan but never displayed in the US for reasons.
Number one is this pokemon episode which gave people seizures. It was first showed in Japan. It was called Dennō Senshi Porygon or Computer Soldier Porygon. At one point in the show Pikachu uses thunder against missiles causing a hug explosion with red and blue strobe lights. The link is here, but I don't recommend watching it.
Another banned pokemon episode is Beauty and the Beach. It was at a beach when, to raise money for a poor man, Ash and friends have a beauty contest and it sows girls in bikinis. But that's not all. It also shows James in a bikini with boobs. Inflatable boobs. Then he inflates them 2 times the size he had...... Obvious Ban. Check it out in the link and skip to 13:50.
The Legend of Dratini was banned because it had people pointing guns (Real Guns!) at each other.
The Ice Cave was banned because Jynx looked too much like a blackface so they banned.
Those are the main pokemon episodes! Hope you enjoyed it, while I come back with.... Minecraft. Please groan now in the comment box. You know that little thing below this.... that says comment... If you're still reading this you must be pretty stupid to not know what I am talking about...
-Gregar Rulz

Thursday, October 13, 2011

Awesome Rave Video (Viewer Discretion is Advised)

An average rave is very crazy and usually for 16+ or 18+ and last a long time and has lots of laser lights this is a great example of a rave and i'm telling you before that this might not be a video to show to not yet mature audiences but an awesome dubstep mix made by the DJ so hope you enjoy -Hardstyleforlife21

Viewer discretion is advised

Wednesday, October 12, 2011

How to Draw a Manga Eye Step by Step: The Purple Ninja Way

How to draw a simple manga eye
This week I will be showing you how to make a simple anime eye. The design is easy to draw, but not cheap and old school like what you see in regular "How to draw Anime" books. So without further adieu, let us begin!
Step one: Guides

First, draw a cross-like sketch. Draw lightly; this will be erased at the end
Step two: Upper arch
Outline the upper arch of the eye. DO NOT FILL IN YET!
 Step Three: The eye itself
In the middle of the arch you just drew, draw two slightly curved lines. Make to where they slightly turn upwards at the end of the line.
Step four: Bottom arch
 At the end of the eye, sketch an outline of the bottom arch. It can be thin or thick, depending on which you want. (In my case, I draw it somewhat thick). Do not fill in yet
Step 5: eyebrow and eyelid
 About a half to an inch about the upper arch, draw a curved line. Draw a small thin line slightly above the upper arch
Step 6: The pupil
 In the middle of the eye, color in a long oval, this is the pupil.
Step 7: Glares
 In the upper left corner of the eye, outline a fairly sized oval. This will be our glare for the eye
Step 8: Darkness
Draw a line that goes through the pupil halfway. Fill in.
Step 9: Outline
 Along the sides of the eye, draw a thick line on it.
Step 10: Extra glares
 Erase small circles in the middle of the pupil and in the lower right corner of the eye

Step 11: fill in
Fill in the upper and lower arches.
 You now have completed your Eye! To draw a full face, repeat all steps on the opposite side of the face, then draw in a nose and mouth. Thanks for reading! Tune in for next week's blog! Sayonara!

The New DragonBall Z: Ultimate Tenkaichi

Logo of the Game

Release Dates:

Japan: December 8, 2011
USA: October 25, 2011
EU: October 28, 2011

Coming soon to Xbox 360 and PS3, DragonBall Z: Ultimate Tenkaichi is something I'm really looking forward to. It follows the timeline of the more known show on Nicktoons and Toonzai, Dragonball Z Kai and goes through to about more than halfway into Dragonball GT. The genre of the game is Versus fighting and has single-player and multi-player modes. Also, from what I read in the Dragonball Wiki, the game also has two main modes, the Hero mode and the Story mode. Hero mode allows you to create a custom character and experience a brand new era in Dragonball Z. You can customize the body, face, hair, attire, gender and fighting style. Story mode engages the player in the Dragonball universe and follows the storyline of the animes featured in the game, including bonus levels from the movies. The playable characters include Goku, Gohan, Krillin, Piccolo, Vegeta, the four androids, Broly and more, and two of the bosses are Great Ape Vegeta and Metal Cooler. So basically, you can control most of the characters in the series (except for the bosses of course) and you can customize your own character and explore a new age in the Dragonball universe. I think that this game is gonna rock and it’s gonna be epic. See you next time with more news on video games and anime. Peace!


Friday, October 7, 2011

Different types of shuffle

Heres a familiar hardstyle group dancing in a pattern that they made themselves.

Video: Me and Sarah

Hers a random rave hardstyle shuffle.

The melbourne shuffle as its more widely known as originated in Melbourne, Australia and is very popular in the UK and underground raves which is usually for ages 16+ and unfortunately i can't go yet ): lol but theres a long history of melbourne shuffle I myself have tried to learn for a year and a half but don't even have the basic steps yet. It's very hard to learn but a really neat dance to learn especially if your into the music and style of dance well signing out -Hardstyleforlife21

Wednesday, October 5, 2011

Super Mario Bros. Game History & Personal Game Review

First off, Mario is the protagonist of the series, and he often saves Princess Peach from the evil King Bowser. Mario is a plumber that lives in the Mushroom Kingdom, home of Toads that look like mushrooms. Most of the time, Mario stomps on King Bowser's minions and defeats the Koopa and saves the princess. That's basically what Mario started off with. Later on, Mario was in his first RPG game, "Super Mario RPG: The Legend of the Seven Stars," and then in the famous "Paper Mario" games. Mario was already a huge hit then, but when there where other games like "Mario Kart" and "Mario Golf" on the Nintendo 64, his popularity was beaming. Personally, my favorite Mario game is Super Mario Galaxy for the Wii, because it sends Mario on a whole new adventure beyond his own world and maybe even beyond the stars. The game includes a whole bunch of new puzzles and challenges, and possibly defies the laws of physics with it's controls. Plus the whole game looks really cool and captures the whole theme with space and traveling to different galaxies. I would say that I don't have anything that I don't like about this game, since it wasn't too short or too easy (Considering that I still haven't beat the game, at least before we took it back). I would say that overall, I would give the game 4.99/5 stars. Why not the whole five stars? Just because I believe that there's something missing in all of this. So see you next time! Talk to you later and peace out!

~ SkyeBlue

Idiot's Guide to Mario

First off, here's an image of the characters in the series.

Da purple Ninja's Leads

It’s a Saturday morning, and Angie, an active manga reader has nothing to do. She decides to go to the public library to check out some manga to keep her busy. After browsing through a couple of titles, she picks up a book that she’s heard about a lot. “ Hey, my friends were reading this one, and they sounded like they really liked it!” she thinks to herself. Angie reaches out and grabs the book, and begins to read it. After looking at a couple of panels, she feels confused at the order of the book. A minute later, she realizes that the book reads backwards; instead of the usual right-to-left format that most manga is written in, it read left to right. “Great, just great,” Angie thought to herself again, slowly walking towards the checkout counter, hoping that the plot of the book was worth it.

For those of you who don’t read manga, you would feel that reading left to right is perfectly normal. In the manga world however, it’s flipped and read right to left. This, at first, can seem confusing, but after a while you get used to it. To most manga fans, reading right to left is preferred. To have some manga in right to left and left to right format has been known to confuse readers. Not only that, but it offends the original artist. This is a problem that needs to be addressed and and solved by the fans.

Manga; a Japanese style comic book. They are usually written in small books, or published with or titles in a manga magazine (ex: Shonen Jump). They are very popular around the globe, and becoming increasing popular in the US. They are read right-to-left, which is confusing at first, but eventually becomes second nature to read it. I wish it was as simple as that, but it’s not. Starting in 2002, manga publishing companies have started to “flip” manga to read left-to-right,(despite the preferred right-to-left reading reading format by fans,) and has begun to anger fans and the artists.

Gregars Leads!

lead 1 Question:  Have you ever wanted to switch weapons in zelda without pausing the game? Did you want to see where the golf ball is in wii sports to aim better? Have you ever felt like the wii is missing something? The Wii U answers these problems.
Lead 2 Twist: The Wii will never actually get any better because the suck so much. Just Kidding! The Wii U is now here and will make the Wii a hero! Yay!
Lead 3 Question: Do you need to have the biggest Wii collection Then you need a WIIU
LINK! Click Gregar!Last Is not mine it is felixs

SkyeBlue's Leads


Let me tell you a little story about what I’m going to talk about. It was winter, sometime
around Christmas and my brother wanted a game called Sonic Colors©. It had just come out, and it was around $50 to $60. We waited a few days, at least until my father got payed, then they went to Target to buy the game for him. He was really excited, and I felt that it was worth the money to get the game for him because I liked the game too. It was fun for the first week, but then the next week, he beat the story mode. That’s when I felt like the game was a waste of money, since it was so short. This is where I start my argument.

Contrast and Compare:

Video games before had original puzzles, challenging gameplay and
very creative storylines, and were worth buying for about $50 dollars. Games nowadays are either too easy, too short, or overrun with collectibles. Sonic Colors is what I’m specifically talking about, since the storyline was too easy, and it reminded me too much of other games I’ve played before.


Sonic Colors, It had pretty cool graphics, nice colors that made it pop, and it starred one
favorite characters ever, Sonic the Hedgehog. But to me, the game was too short because when I played it, I tried to stretch the time out, so I beat it in two weeks, playing it for about an hour a day. I’d say it was a disappointment, to say that the last game, Sonic Unleashed was a lot longer than that, and I haven’t even collected any collectibles yet!


Tuesday, October 4, 2011

Hardstyleforlife21's leads

Thesis: Dubstep is becoming more widely known and accepted.

Lead 1: Compare and contrast, A year ago as i sat with my 8th grade best friend Giovanni he wasn’t your average student, long hair always wear a jacket and listening to music that was just beats. We start talking one day and he talks about the music and says its called Dubstep, so i go home and look it up on Youtube and find alot that I like but play it at school and get weird looks I ignore because I know I like it and now when i go around playing Dubstep people are like is that Dubstep? Do you have ________ by ________? I’m like you listen to Dubstep? I get asked the same question to sometimes because I don’t look like the type to listen to it

Lead 2: Descriptive, Skrillex is a widely known Dubstep artist and even preformed at This years A.C.L. Dubstep is becoming more widely known and accepted and that angers some of the original Dubstep artist and listeners because it used to be there own way of getting away from mainstream music and just being different.

Lead 3: Twist, Dubstep is just random beats yet artist and DJ’s make lots of money off of these “random beats” so therefore its a genre thats becoming more widely known and accepted.  -Hardstyleforlife21

Monday, October 3, 2011

Greetings Fellow Anime Nerds! Purpleninja intro

Konnichiwa everyone! My name is PurpleNinja ( you people don't need to know my real name...) and I'm i love with anime! My favorite anime so far is Lucky Star and Fairy Tail. Myself and Skyeblue are doing the anime and manga sections of our magazine. We'll be doing reviews, recommendations, and the Anime/Manga of the month. Next post will be a quick review of Lucky Star, so be sure to stay tuned1


Konata from Lucky Star

Sunday, October 2, 2011

Wii U, Good Buy?

The Wii U, which comes out in April 2012, Is going  be the newest revolution ever. But should it be bought? 
Hey guys it is Gregar again to talk to you about this new Wii product that seems awesome. It is called the Wii U. The Wii U is going to be made to make Wii games cooler, easier, and less screen space consuming. It will be like having a menu while playing a game so as to easily switch items or heal yourself. It acts like a 3DS without the 3. It has a camera for chat, original Wii controls, motion sensing, 6 inch touch screen and communication with and without Wii's. One rumor that may or may not be true is the ability to play games on the Wii U separate of the Wii so you can take it where ever (more details here). Hopefully this will make things easier. Some Wii U games that were played were mario (with Mii characters), Chase Mii (Chasing a character around in a mario like land), Battle Mii (A metroid like game), and Shield Pose a defending arrows game (video here).
So should it be bought? My guess is if you liked the Wii and want more engrossing, and easier play, than yeah, go for it. In my opinion, which it is, I would definitely buy this because it seems to make games easier and looks like it will spawn really great games. My suggestion is that you preorder, if you can, or wait till, say, six months later and buy it for the non-grand-opening price. 
See ya, Gregar