Wednesday, October 12, 2011

The New DragonBall Z: Ultimate Tenkaichi

Logo of the Game

Release Dates:

Japan: December 8, 2011
USA: October 25, 2011
EU: October 28, 2011

Coming soon to Xbox 360 and PS3, DragonBall Z: Ultimate Tenkaichi is something I'm really looking forward to. It follows the timeline of the more known show on Nicktoons and Toonzai, Dragonball Z Kai and goes through to about more than halfway into Dragonball GT. The genre of the game is Versus fighting and has single-player and multi-player modes. Also, from what I read in the Dragonball Wiki, the game also has two main modes, the Hero mode and the Story mode. Hero mode allows you to create a custom character and experience a brand new era in Dragonball Z. You can customize the body, face, hair, attire, gender and fighting style. Story mode engages the player in the Dragonball universe and follows the storyline of the animes featured in the game, including bonus levels from the movies. The playable characters include Goku, Gohan, Krillin, Piccolo, Vegeta, the four androids, Broly and more, and two of the bosses are Great Ape Vegeta and Metal Cooler. So basically, you can control most of the characters in the series (except for the bosses of course) and you can customize your own character and explore a new age in the Dragonball universe. I think that this game is gonna rock and it’s gonna be epic. See you next time with more news on video games and anime. Peace!


1 comment:

  1. This post was pretty good, however I had a hard time reading it because it was that color of blue.
