Tuesday, November 15, 2011

Stressed-out and Over-Worked. Purpleninja's way to beat it all!

Konnichiwa minna-san! I know that everyone of you guys is looking forward to Thanksgiving break next week. Nothing better to start off the 3rd six weeks than with a week away from school. Just sitting at home, relaxing (hopefully we won't get any homework...). And what other way to relax than playing some internet games?
This week's Game Review: The Game (btw, you just lost it)

The game, is a rather simple straight-forward game that is oddly addicting. You are a little person on a glassy platform, constantly killing yourself. I know, how depressing. But it's fun, trust me. At first, your just killing yourself and you get witty one liners after each level. After like the first 5 or 7 levels, things start to get interesting. Internet memes start coming out of nowhere, the war and other social issues are mentioned, even GLOBAL WARMING! There are extras and little mini games (sorta). You even get told off.... by YOURSELF. It's very fun and a good distraction from wor- *ahem* I mean a great game to play after you finished everything you have to do heh heh *nervous laughter*. 

There are also two other parts to :The Game: Re-playing :the Game: and Re-imagine :the Game:. The last one is super fun, but I can't get past the last level. Oh well I'm such a noob. 

'Til next week. Sayonara!

Play :The Game: here
Re-playing :the Game: link
Re-imagine :the Game: link