Wednesday, December 7, 2011

Review of Lucky ☆ Star: DaPurpleNinja

Konnichiwa once again everyone! This is our last blog post (unless we have to post one next week, not that I mind of course....). So for that occasion, I decided to do a review of one of my favorite animes, Lucky  Star! (Tell you the truth, I ran out of ideas. It's 10:45 pm, what else am I supposed to do?)

The main 4 characters in Lucky ☆ Star

The series is about a group of four high school girls and their life at school and home. It's not a serious series, no action or anything like that (if you're not interested in laid-back funny anime, I suggest you stop reading now). Most of the time, they're just talking about everyday stuff that teenage girls talk about, but it's really funny. Like, in the first episode, they spend like, 5 minutes talking about how they eat certain foods. Sounds boring (and the first episode isn't necessarily the best), but it's a really good show. They mention a lot of other anime in it, and they even "steal" a couple of scenes from anime. Things get more funny as the series goes on, like their trip to the beach, Summer vacation, Christmas, New years, and other stuff like that.

Konata: The blue-haired girl. She's a serious otaku (anime fan/ nerd) and a hardcore online and video gamer. She's also a huge procrastinator and always crams on her homework assignments. She's always goofing of in the show, and making jokes about her friends; nine times out of ten, it's about Kagamin. In the show, she's normally seen with her typical closed-eye expression. Konata is my personal favorite in the show.

Kagamin: The purple-haired girl with the pig-tails. She's an honor student, and a part-time gamer. She's constantly on Konata's and Tsukasa's case, usually trying to get them to finish their homework. Kagamin is a typical tsudere (a character that's mean on the outside, but really sweet and caring on the inside), with the sweet side of her showing in the later episodes. 

Tsukasa: The other purpled-hair girl with the yellow bow; Kagamin's twin sister. The second most adorable character in the show. She's better at homework when compared to Konata, only by the fact that she actually tries to do it. Other than that, they're on the same level. (Unless Konata has a good overnight cramming session and passes.) She's a bit of a derp character, known for doing random stuff at times, and failing at everything else. 

Miyuki: The pinked hair girl with glasses. She is super cute! She's really smart, and is always making cute mistakes, like falling down, turning the lights off by accident, or bumping in to stuff. Konata is always teasing her about her smarts and "size" (watch the show to understand the joke. I'm not gonna explain it on the blog, teachers have to read it...). She's a bit of a nerd, and has a rich family (but she's not spoiled, she's very modest). Most of the time in the show, she's giving the other girls information about something. Miyuki is a little dense at times, and is a child at heart. 

Rating: 8.5 out of 10
Watch the first episode here! (youtube link, if it's taken down I'll replace it with another).

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