Wednesday, October 26, 2011

Minecraft Survivor Mode and Creative Mode

So starting minecraft you will go to a screen looking like this and give you an option of playing Survival Mode or Creative Mode. For beginners I suggest playing Creative mode so you can learn all the basics (except crafting new things) also if you just have a creative mind I suggest creative mode because you will just be able to make your house any way you like and never have to run out of resources or worry about dying by things like Zombies, Creepers, which blow up when there a block away from you, Skeleton Bowmen, which shoot bows at you from long or short distances, or Spiders which just tend to attack you either alone or in a pack and don't worry they do spawn in creative mode but you have unlimited health and if you have no idea when these monsters come out just think "ITS DARK" because whether you're out when it turns night or you have no alternative light source in your house these monsters will spawn. Like me I started off with a underground tunnel house and i was lucky enough to be able to make torches on my crafting table(will show tutorials on next blog) Also on survivor mode you can drown if you stay underwater to long you can also die of drowning. And you can die of starvation so make sure to kills some cows, chickens, sheep, and pigs, they don't only drop off food sometimes they drop stuff that can help you make new weapons and armor which help you survive.

Well Comment if you have anything specific you want to learn about this amazing game called Minecraft -Harstyleforlife21